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*If applicable, call (520) 300-0553 to discuss travel and lodging expenses.
Don't let self-limiting beliefs hold you down!

- "I have made some really bad decisions in the past.  I do not trust myself to make a good decisions for new treatment”

- So you want to make good decisions?  How about starting with this one:  you talk to us for 45 minutes freely and we go from there.  After that, each session is covered by our 100% satisfaction guarantee.  If it doesn’t work for you, you do not have to pay us.  No questions asked!  So, what’s the only bad decision to make?  That’s right!  Not to try immediately!

- “I can’t afford this!”  (Poverty Mindset)

- This is the saddest reason of all.  Don’t you want to get out of this rut?  You are the final product of the Universe in a single self-aware consciousness.  If your happiness isn’t worth this much you really need to think why you value yourself (and, perhaps, your loved ones) so little.  When you are ready to experience the miracle that you are, come back!

- "I don’t deserve to feel better!”

- To paraphrase Dr. Deepak Chopra, you deserve all the life abundance that being self-aware and living from a higher consciousness can earn you.  Imagine living your life from that place – all the peace, joy and calm that would bring you and your loved ones.  This is your gift to family and humanity and it includes you!  All you have to do is trust and call us for a free introductory session and judge for yourself based on results.

© 2015 by Gerald Whitehawk.  In case of an emergency, ALWAYS call 911All the information on this site and our publications is for informational purposes, only, and it does not constitute professional advice.  All intellectual property rights in and to the practice of ESOTHERAPY® and ESO-PHENOMENOLOGICAL® MEDICINE are reserved by Gerald Whitehawk.

Mailing address:


2819 N Woodland  Ave,

Tucson, AZ 85712

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